This page is a gallery of featured pictures that the community has chosen to be highlighted as some of the finest on Commons.
Natural phenomena[ edit ]
Crepuscular rays[ edit ]
Stanford Dish March 2013 HDR 1.jpg
Crepuscular rays at the Dish area, Stanford, California
Mường Thanh Valley.jpg
Crepuscular rays from clouds over Mường Thanh Valley, Vietnam
Indre Fure, Stadtlandet.jpg
Crepuscular rays over Indre Fure in the Stad peninsula, Norway
Crepuscular rays with reflection in GGP.jpg
Crepuscular rays with reflection in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
Crepuscular rays over the steam from hot spring.jpg
Crepuscular rays over the steam from a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park, USA
Babia Góra, zamieć śnieżna, 20230304 0704 3190.jpg
Crepuscular rays and a ground blizzard on the slope of Babia Góra, Poland
Bruderwald Sunrays 150265.jpg
Crepuscular rays in the
Bruderwald at Bamberg, Germany
Dülmen, Umland, Sonnenaufgang -- 2012 -- 8069.jpg
Crepuscular rays at sunrise near Dülmen, Germany
Crepuscular rays 09-11-2010 1.jpg
Crepuscular rays in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
Back-scattering crepuscular rays.jpg
Back-scattering crepuscular rays, Marin Headlands, California
Lunar Crepuscular Rays 2.jpg
Lunar crepuscular rays in France
HEK 293.jpg
Immunofluorescent Human Embryonic Kidney 293 cells
Water mill Rosenmühle in Lower Saxony, Germany.jpg
Rosenmühle watermill, with mist and fog in the evening
San francisco in fog with rays.jpg
San Francisco in fog with crepuscular rays
Oberfallenberg 11.jpg
Fog. View from Oberfallenberg,
Staudammkrone Lünersee 2.JPG
Fog over Staudammkrone dam
Lüner Lake,
Mount Lushan - fog.JPG
Mt. Lushan
Jiangxi Province,
Néboa na costa. Peirao do Freixo de Sabardes. Outes. Galiza.jpg
Fog on the coast. Dock of O Freixo de Sabardes, Outes, Galicia (Spain).
Moers, 2010-12 CN-I, Nebel Schwafheim.jpg
Panoramic view over the
Felder in the Moers district Schwafheim, Germany
Asbestnaya Mount, Adygea, Гора Асбестная, виды с вершины, Адыгея, Западный Кавказ.jpg
Asbestnaya Mount, Adygea, Гора Асбестная, виды с вершины, Адыгея, Западный Кавказ
Lightning[ edit ]
Puesta de sol, Tok, Alaska, Estados Unidos, 2017-08-28, DD 189-191 HDR.jpg
Puesta de sol, Tok, Alaska, Estados Unidos, 2017-08-28, DD 189-191 HDR
Mortimer Bay 1900.jpg
Sunset at Mortimer Bay
North Point Sunrise 20090411 2791.jpg
Sunrise over North Point, Lake Michigan
Sunset may 2006 panorama.jpg
Sunset in Victoria, Australia
Kuznetsk Alatau 3.jpg
Sunset in Kuznetsk Alatau
South Siberia
Image is also a Featured picture of Kemerovo Oblast
SantaBarbaraSunrise 4823.jpg
Sunrise in Santa Barbara, USA
Sunset 2007-1.jpg
Sunset at Porto Covo, Portugal
Early light heron fishing.jpg
Early light heron fishing
South Devon, United-Kingdom
Image is also a Featured picture of Ardea cinerea
Sunset in Saint Gilles les Bains (La Réunion)
Unsorted[ edit ]
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