Commons:Featured pictures/Animals/Arthropods/Hymenoptera
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Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Arthropoda • Subphylum: Hexapoda • Classis: Insecta • Subclassis: Pterygota • Infraclassis: Neoptera • Superordo: Holometabola • Ordo: Hymenoptera Linnaeus, 1758
Order : Hymenoptera (Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies)[edit]
Family : Apidae (Bumble Bees, Honey Bees, Carpenter Bees, Cuckoo Bees, Orchid Bees, and Stingless Bees)[edit]
Anthophora montana (Rocky Mountain Anthophora)
♀ Anthophora sp.
Anthophora plumipes (Hairy-footed Flower Bee)
Apis florea
(Dwarf Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera subsp. carnica
(Carniolan Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera subsp. carnica
(Carniolan Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee) -
Apis mellifera scutellata
(African Bee) -
Bombus cryptarum
(Cryptic bumblebee) -
♂ Bombus hypnorum
(Tree Bumblebee) -
♂ Bombus hypnorum
(Tree Bumblebee) -
Bombus pascuorum
(Common Carder Bee) -
Bombus pascuorum
(Common Carder Bee) -
♂ Bombus pratorum
(Early Bumblebee) -
♂ Bombus pascuorum
(Common Carder Bee) -
♂ Bombus sylvarum
(Shrill Carder Bee) -
Bombus sylvarum
(Shrill Carder Bee) -
Bombus terrestris
(Buff-tailed Bumblebee) -
Bombus bohemicus
(Gypsy's Cuckoo Bumblebee) -
Bombus lapidarius
(Red-tailed Bumblebee queen) -
Bombus lapidarius
(Red-tailed Bumblebee) -
♂ Bombus lapidarius
(Red-tailed Bumblebee) -
Bombus lucorum
(White-tailed Bumblebee) -
Bombus rupestris
(Red-tailed cuckoo bumblebee) -
♂ Bombus rupestris
(Red-tailed cuckoo bumblebee) -
Bombus terrestris
(Buff-tailed Bumblebee queen) -
Bombus terrestris
(Buff-tailed Bumblebee) -
Bombus terrestris
(Buff-tailed Bumblebee) -
♂ Xylocopa virginica
(Eastern Carpenter Bee) -
Biene Tautropfen-20191024-RM-104027
Abandoned bee honeycomb
Bombus ruderarius - Taraxacum officinale - Keila
Arboreal stingless bee nest (Trigona sp.) Flores
Apis dorsata nest on a tree at golden hour in Laos
Hummel Cosmea-20231018-RM-170758
Family : Colletidae (Plasterer Bees)[edit]
Family : Crabronidae (Crabronids Wasps)[edit]
Philanthus triangulum
(European Beewolf)
Family : Chrysididae (Cuckoo Wasps)[edit]
Gemeine Goldwespe
Family : Diprionidae (Conifer Sawflies)[edit]
Diprion similis larva
(Introduced Pine Sawfly larva) -
Diprion similis larva
(Introduced Pine Sawfly larva) -
Gilpinia hercyniae larva
(European Spruce Sawfly larva)
Family : Formicidae (Ants)[edit]
Portrait of an ant, profile view
Camponotus herculeanus
(Hercules Ant) -
Formica lugubris
(Hairy Wood Ant) -
Formica rufa
(Red Wood Ant) -
Myrmecia forficata
(Inchman) -
Oecophylla smaragdina
(Weaver Ant) -
Oecophylla smaragdina (Weaver Ants) transporting a dead Hemidactylus frenatus (Common House Gecko)
Plectroctena sp.
Nest of oecophylla smaragdina (weaver ants)
Myrmecia nigrocincta (Australian Bull Ant)
Family : Halictidae (Halictid Bees)[edit]
Halictus sp.
Family : Ichneumonidae (Ichneumon Wasps)[edit]
Unidentified Cremastinae mating
Cremastinae sp.
Family : Megachilidae (Leafcutting Bees)[edit]
Anthidium (Carder Bee) sp.
Anthidium (Carder Bee) sp.
Osmia cornuta (European Orchard Bee)
Osmia rufa
(Red Mason Bee) -
Anthodioctes calcaratus, m, right, La Cruz, CR 2018-11-16-15.07.42 ZS PMax UDR (46534284854)
Osmia cornuta nest (48325765867)
Anthidium manicatum (50868517517)
Family : Melittidae (Melittid Bees)[edit]
Raufüßige Hosenbiene
Family : Pompilidae (Spider Wasps)[edit]
Family : Sphecidae (Thread-waisted wasps)[edit]
Sphex ichneumoneus
(Great Golden Digger Wasp) -
Great golden digger wasp (31760)
Ammophila pubescens - Kulna
Ammophila pubescens (two) - Kulna
Family : Tenthredinidae (Sawflies)[edit]
Nematus miliaris)
(Sawfly larvae) -
Tenthredo scrophulariae larva - Keila
Family : Vespidae (Hornets, Paper Wasps, Potter Wasps, and Yellowjackets)[edit]
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp) -
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp) -
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp) -
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp) -
Vespa crabro subsp. germana
(European Hornet) -
Vespa crabro
(European Hornet) -
Vespa crabro
(European Hornet) -
Vespa orientalis
(Oriental Hornet) -
Vespula germanica
(European Wasp) -
Vespula vulgaris
(Common Wasp) -
Asian hornet (33283876513) (2)
Wespe auf Blütenblättern-20200905-RM-081907
Vespula germanica (European wasp, queen in hibernation)
Haus-Feldwespe (Polistes dominula) Nest focus stack-20230607-RM-121713
Family : Xiphydriidae (Wood Wasps)[edit]
Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Xiphydria camelus female
Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Xiphydria camelus female
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