Commons:Ehdokkaat suositelluiksi kuviksi

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Ehdokkaat suositelluiksi kuviksi Ehdokkaat suositelluiksi kuviksi        Statuksen poistoehdotukset Statuksen poistoehdotukset

Alla on tämänhetkiset ehdokkaat suositelluiksi kuviksi. Huomaa, että tämä ei ole sama asia kuin päivän kuva.


Ohjeita ehdottajille[edit]

Lue läpi Commons:Image guidelines ennen kuvan ehdottamista.

Alla on yhteenveto siitä, mitä tulee tarkastella arvioidessa kuvan sopivuutta suositelluksi kuvaksi:

  • Resoluutio – Yleensä kuvat, joiden resoluutio on alle kaksi megapikseliä, on hylätty. Alle kahden megapikselin kuva voidaan hyväksyä vain poikkeustapauksessa. Huomaa, että kuvassa, jonka resoluutio on 1 600 × 1 200, on noin 1,92 megapikseliä, joten se on kelvoton.
Commonsissa sijaitsevia kuvia voidaan käyttää muuhunkin kuin tietokoneen näytöllä katselemiseen. Niitä voidaan tulostaa tai katsella suurella resoluutiolla olevilla monitoreilla. Emme voi ennustaa, millaisia laitteistot tulevat olemaan tulevaisuudessa, joten kuvan tulee olla niin suurella resoluutiolla kuin mahdollista.
  • Fokus – kuvan tärkeimpien kohteiden tulisi olla teräviä.
  • Edusta ja tausta – edustalla ja taustalla olevat asiat voivat olla häiritseviä. Tarkista, että edustalla olevat kohteet eivät peitä mitään kuvan kannalta tärkeää ja taustalla olevat kohteet eivät pilaa asetelmaa, esimerkiksi katuvalo ei näytä tulevan jonkun päästä.
  • Tekninen korkealaatuisuus – suositellun kuvan tulee olla teknisesti korkealaatuinen.
  • Digitaaliset manipulaatiot eivät saa vetää nenästä kuvan katsojaa. Kuvassa olevien kauneusvirheiden korjaaminen on sallittua, jos korjaus on tehty hyvin ja sen tarkoituksena ei ole vääristää kuvaa. Hyväksyttäjä manipulaatioita ovat rajaus, perspektiivin oikaisu, terävöittäminen, sumentaminen ja valotuksen sekä värien korjailu. Monimutkaisemmat manipulaatiot ovat sallittuja vain, jos mallinetta {{Retouched picture}} käytetään kuvaussivulla. Kuvauksettomat tai väärin kuvatut monimutkaiset manipulaatiot ovat kiellettyjä.
  • Arvo – päätavoitteenamme on erottaa arvokkaimmat kuvat muista. Suositellun kuvan tulee olla jotenkin erikoinen.
    • Auringonlaskuista otetut valokuvat ovat kaikki vähän samanlaisia (Valokuvia)(Suomessa otettuja valokuvia)
    • Yökuvat saattavat olla hienompia, mutta päiväkuvista ilmenee yleensä enemmän tietoa
    • Kaunis ei ole sama asia kuin arvokas

Teknisiä yksityiskohtia käsitellään kohdissa valotus, asetelma, liikkeenhallinta ja terävyysalue.

  • Valotus – valotuksella tarkoitetaan valokuvauksessa kameran filmiin tallentuvaa tai digitaalikamerassa valoherkän kennon tallentamaa valon määrää. Valotuksen tulisi olla sopiva. Laajat ylivalottuneet alueet ovat usein häiritseviä.
  • Asetelma – asetelmalla tarkoitetaan kuvan esineiden sijoittumista toisiinsa nähden. ”Kolmoissääntö” (esimerkkikuva) on hyvä nyrkkisääntö siitä, millainen on hyvä asetelma. Kolmoissäännön ideana on, että kuva jaetaan kahdella pystyviivalla ja kahdella vaakaviivalla yhdeksään osaan (3×3). Pääaiheen sijoittaminen tiukasti kuvan keskelle on yleensä huonompi vaihtoehto mielenkiintoisuuden kannalta kuin pääaiheen sijoittaminen johonkin neljästä viivojen muodostamasta risteyksestä. Horisonttia ei tulisi sijoittaa kuvan keskelle, vaan jommankumman viivan keskelle. Kolmoissäännön avulla saadaan luotua dynaaminen kuva.
  • Liikkeenhallinta – liikkeenhallinnalla tarkoitetaan sitä, miten liike näkyy kuvassa. Liike voi olla terävää tai epätarkkaa. Jompikumpi aina ei ole paras vaihtoehto, vaan tärkeintä on aikomus havainnollistaa jotain. Liike on suhteellista kuvan kohteisiin verrattuna. Esimerkiksi valokuva ralliautosta, joka näyttäisi olevan paikallaan taustaa vasten, on huonompi vaihtoehto kuin valokuva ralliautosta, joka näkyy terävästi, mutta jonka tausta on sumuista, koska tällöin liikkeen huomaa helposti. Tätä kutsutaan ”panoroinniksi”. Toisaalta valokuva hyppäävästä koripallon pelaajasta, joka näyttää olevan paikallaan taustaa vasten, on hyvä sen epäluonnollisuuden takia.
  • Terävyysalue – terävyysalueella tarkoitetaan kuvan kohteen terävyyttä ympäristöön verrattuna. Terävyysalue valitaan jokaisen kuvan kohdalla erikseen. Suuri tai pieni terävyysalue voi huonontaa tai parantaa kuvan laatua. Pientä terävyysaluetta voidaan käyttää erottamaan pääkohde muusta ympäristöstä. Näin katsojan huomio kiinnittyy haluttuun kohteeseen. Suurta terävyysaluetta voidaan taas käyttää tilan havainnollistamiseen. Lähtökohtaisesti syväterävyysalue muodostuu sitä lyhyemmäksi, mitä suurempaa aukkoarvoa valokuvaaja käyttää. Vastaavasti pientä aukkoarvoa käytettäessä syväterävyysalue voi ulottua kuvan etualalta äärettömään. Aukon arvon lisäksi syväterävyysalueeseen vaikuttaa kuitenkin myös objektiivin todellinen polttoväli ja toisaalta kohteen etäisyys kuvaajasta.

Alla käsitellään vielä grafiikkaa.

  • Terävyys – pääkohteiden ääriviivojen on oltava teräviä.
  • Kolmiulotteisuus – kolmiulotteisuuden on oltava laadukasta. Parhaiten tämä onnistuu siten, että valo tulee kohteen sivulta. Yleensä kuvaajasta päin tuleva valo ei onnistu luomaan kunnollista kolmiulotteista vaikutelmaa, vaan se johtaa litteään vaikutelmaan. Paras valo ulkona on aamulla tai illalla.
  • Värit – värit eivät saa olla liian kylläisiä.
  • Tekstuuri – kohteen pinnan on oltava kolmiulotteisen näköinen ja laadukas.
  • Perspektiivi – kuvan tulee olla kolmiulotteinen.
  • Tasapaino – kuvan kohteiden tulisi olla tasapainossa keskenään. Suurta määrää kohteita ei tulisi jommallakummalla puolella.
  • Mittasuhde – mittasuhteella tarkoitetaan kuvan kohteiden kokoa toisiinsa verrattuna. Yleensä meillä taipumus esittää pienet kohteet pieninä, mutta toisaalta pienen kohteen esittäminen suurena luonnossa suurta kohdetta vasten on myös hyvä tekniikka, esimerkiksi kukan esittäminen vuorta vasten.
  • Symbolinen tarkoitus – huono kuva vaikeasta aiheesta on parempi kuin hyvä kuva helposta aiheesta.
Valokuvaaja ja/tai sen katselija voivat tarkastella kuvan kohdetta puolueellisesti. Kuvan arvoa ei tulisi arvioida arvioijan kulttuurillisen taustan perusteella, vaan se tulisi arvioida kuvan kulttuurillisen taustan perusteella. Hyvä kuva ”puhuu” katsojalle herättäen sellaisia tunteita kuin ilo, sympatia, herkkyys, suru, inho, viha ja raivo. Hyvän kuvan herättämät tunteet eivät ole vain positiivisia.

Uuden ehdotuksen lisääminen[edit]

Jos sinusta tuntuu siltä, että olet löytänyt kuvan, josta voisi tulla suositeltu kuva ja jonka kuvaussivulla on hyväksytty ja totuudenmukainen tekijänoikeusmalline, toimi seuraavasti:

Askel 1: Kopioi kuvan nimi alla olevaan laatikkoon ja paina nappia ”Luo äänestyssivu”.

Askel 2: Noudata avautuvalla sivulla olevia ohjeita.

Askel 3: Lisää ehdokaslistan alkuun seuraava koodi:
{{Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:KIRJOITA TIEDOSTON NIMI TÄHÄN}}


Käytä äänestäessäsi seuraavia mallineita:

  • {{Support}} luo lopputuloksen  Support. Käytä mallinetta, jos kannatat kuvaa suositelluksi kuvaksi.
  • {{Oppose}} luo lopputuloksen  Oppose. Käytä mallinetta, jos vastustat statusta.
  • {{Neutral}} luo lopputuloksen  Neutral. Käytä mallinetta, jos äänestät tyhjää.
  • {{Comment}} luo lopputuloksen  Comment. Käytä mallinetta, jos kommentoit jotakin.
  • {{Info}} luo lopputuloksen  Info. Käytä mallinetta, jos informoit jostakin.
  • {{Question}} luo lopputuloksen  Question. Käytä mallinetta, jos kysyt jostakin.

Jos kuvan ei ole mahdollista päästä suositelluksi kuvaksi, lisää äänestyssivulle {{FPX|KIRJOITA TÄHÄN, MIKSI KUVA EI VOI OLLA SUOSITELTU KUVA}}.

Perustele aina mielipiteesi. Muista allekirjoittaa lisäyksesi. Allekirjoittaminen tapahtuu kirjoittamalla ~~~~ kommentin perään tai painamalla työkalurivin painiketta kursorin ollessa sopivalla kohdalla.

Statuksen poistoehdotuksen lisääminen[edit]

Jos jokin suositeltu kuva on mielestäsi kelvoton suositelluksi kuvaksi, voit ehdottaa suositellun kuvan statuksen poistoa.

Sellaisissa äänestyksissä tulee käyttää mallinetta {{Keep}}, joka luo lopputuloksen  Keep, halutessasi statuksen säilyvän tai mallinetta {{Delist}}, joka luo lopputuloksen  Delist , halutessasi statuksen poistoa.

Luodessasi uuden äänestyksen, toimi ohjeen mukaan:

Askel 1: Kopioi kuvan nimi alla olevaan laatikkoon ja paina nappia ”Luo äänestyssivu”.

Askel 2: Noudata avautuvalla sivulla olevia ohjeita.

Askel 3: Lisää ehdokaslistan alkuun seuraava koodi:
{{Commons:Featured picture candidates/removal/File:KIRJOITA TIEDOSTON NIMI TÄHÄN}}


Yleiset säännöt[edit]

  1. Äänestys on auki tasan yhdeksän vuorokautta ehdotuksen tekemisen jälkeen.
  2. Käyttäjätunnuksettomat käyttäjät saavat ehdottaa ja keskustella, mutta eivät äänestää.
  3. Ehdotus ei ole ääni. Ääni on annettava erikseen.
  4. Ehdottaja voi vetää ehdotuksen pois lisäämällä {{withdraw|~~~~}} äänestyssivulle.
  5. Wikimedia Commons ei ole vain Wikipedian kuvavarasto, joten kuvia ei tule arvioida vain Wikipediaan soveltuvuuden perusteella.
  6. Jos kuva ei saa muita kannattavia ääniä kuin ehdottajan viiden vuorokauden kuluessa ehdotuksen tekemisestä, poistoäänestys tulee lopettaa.
  7. Mallineella {{FPX}} merkitty poistoäänestys tulee lopettaa 24 tunnin kuluttua mallineen lisäämisestä, jos muita kannatusääniä kuin ehdottajan ei ole.

Statuksen muutos[edit]

Kuvasta tulee suositeltu kuva, jos se täyttää seuraavat vaatimukset:

  1. Kuvaussivulla on hyväksytty ja totuudenmukainen tekijänoikeusmalline
  2. Vähintään viisi kannatusääntä
  3. Vähintään kaksi kolmasosaa äänistä kannattavia
  4. Saman kuvan eri versiosta vain yksi saa olla suositeltu kuva. Siitä kuvasta, joka on kerännyt eniten kannattavia ääniä, tulee suositeltu kuva.

Statuksen poistoehdotuksen kohdalla sovelletaan samoja sääntöjä. Jos statuksen poistoa kannattavia ääniä ei ole tullut ehdottajan äänen lisäksi viiden vuorokauden kuluessa ehdotuksen teosta, äänestys tulee sulkea.

Ohjeita äänestyksen lopettamisesta on sivulla Commons:Featured picture candidates/What to do after voting is finished.

Arvostele hyvien tapojen mukaisesti[edit]

Muista, että kuva jota kommentoit on jonkun tekemä. Älä käytä sellaista tyyliä kommenteissasi kuin ”Vihaan kuvaa”, ”Kuva on ihan ruma” tai ”Kamala kuva”.

Katso myös[edit]


Ehdokkaat suositelluiksi kuviksi[edit]

Jos uudet ehdotukset eivät näy tällä sivulla, purge this page's cache.

Featured picture candidates[edit]

File:View of Pfronten 03.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 09:08:08 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

View from the Breitenberg to Pfronten, Bavaria, Germany

File:023 African pygmy kingfisher at Kibale forest National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 08:31:18 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

African pygmy kingfisher at Kibale forest National Park

File:Olive Groves Fields Spello Umbria Sep23 A7C 07785.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 06:13:50 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Olive groves in the foothills of Umbria, Italy

File:2023 Grindavik eruption.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 01:56:59 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Icelandic volcanic eruption
Thank you for nominating this image. Unfortunately, it does not fall within the Guidelines and is unlikely to succeed for the following reason: Not under a free license, and too small by today standards. Yann (talk) 08:11, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply] Anyone other than the nominator who disagrees may override this template by changing {{FPX}} to {{FPX contested}} and adding a vote in support. Voting will then continue in the usual way. If not contested within 24 hours, this nomination may be closed.

File:Common kingfisher in Japan, December 2023 - 4915.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 19:14:22 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Common kingfisher in Japan.

File:Graceful Pitta 0A2A8564.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 16:33:07 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Graceful Pitta


Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 13:02:29 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.


File:White-winged forest sylph (Ceratrichia nothus nothus) underside Nyamebe Bepo.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 26 Dec 2023 at 21:43:24 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

White-winged forest sylph (Ceratrichia nothus) in Ghana

File:Male Bush Elephant Crossing Road Kafue Jul23 A7R 05179.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 08:49:23 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Young male African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana), Kafue National Park, Zambia
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Animals/Mammals#Family_:_Elephantidae_(Elephants)
  •  Info A young male African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana) striding across the forest road in early morning, trunk raised to smell, Kafue National Park, Zambia. Created by Tagooty - uploaded by Tagooty - nominated by Tagooty -- Tagooty (talk) 08:49, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Tagooty (talk) 08:49, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Elephants are so easy to photograph (and many FPs); the composition needs to be more interesting with the animal being on a road. Charlesjsharp (talk) 09:24, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Sharp, good composition. Yann (talk) 11:31, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Per Yann. 15:32, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Charles, I miss the extraordinary part of this image (lighting, detail, activity,...). I don't think either that the human-made road helps here. Poco a poco (talk) 17:10, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose I understand that it must be a great experience to see a wild elephant this close, but there is nothing of that little extra in the composition, light or the things that would make this stand out. And the road doesn't help here. --Cart (talk) 20:51, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Table-banquette by Annie Tribel 1968 - Design Museum Brussels Belgium.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 02:06:40 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Table-banquette by Annie Tribel 1968 - Design Museum Brussels Belgium

File:Lonely fisherman crossing the Doce River.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 03:44:54 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Original version[edit]

  •  Info @Laitche: Right, I just uploaded the original version; let's see what others think about this (P.S.: I still prefer the B&W style, in my opinion). 09:22, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Pristimantis elegans Chingaza.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 26 Dec 2023 at 11:29:36 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Pristimantis elegans, Chingaza NP in Colombia
  • White spots pretty much as RAW, but brightened during stacking, so I've toned them back thanks. Streaks are rain. Charlesjsharp (talk) 22:15, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Thanks very much for your editing, Charles. But I only meant the small white dots on the dark background on the right and not the reflections on the foliage. I have now annotated it above. I'm sorry if I didn't express myself correctly and we misunderstood each other as a result. I took the liberty of retouching yesterday's version (revision from 22:13, Dec 18, 2023). Please feel free to use it if you like: Link to download. I apologize for the misunderstanding. Best regards, -- Radomianin (talk) 06:49, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Akelei Blüte geschlossen stacking-20230506-RM-120202.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 26 Dec 2023 at 15:21:55 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Closed columbine flower. Focus stack of 15 images

File:Dachstuhl des Rathauses Hof 20231125 HOF02596-HDR RAW-Export.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Dec 2023 at 18:31:49 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Image depicting a ladder and window as symbol; created in the attic of Hof town hall
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Interiors#Germany
  •  Info Image depicting a ladder and window as symbol; created in the attic of Hof town hall, created by PantheraLeo1359531 - uploaded by PantheraLeo1359531 - nominated by PantheraLeo1359531 -- PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 18:31, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 18:31, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The overexposure was clear in this photo, an attempt was made to reduce it by lowering the lighting until the white was transformed into gray. And no wow for the composition --Wilfredor (talk) 06:31, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Bright part of the image wasn't handled very well and the processing treatment has left strange artifacts around the window frame. Maybe a blue sky or an interesting cloud would be better than a rainy grey day? Out of interest, what was the symbolism supposed to be here? BigDom (talk) 15:02, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Perhaps not the best angle for this. When faced with a very bright opening, it's often better to go for the things that the light illuminates and let the bright window be implied. So many cool angles and lines in the scene that could be used for that. Making the light grey doesn't help either. --Cart (talk) 22:10, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

 I withdraw my nomination Thank you all for the critics :) --PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 16:20, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Riomaggiore SE Wide Cinque Terre Italy Sep23 A7C 07305.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Dec 2023 at 15:34:39 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Riomaggiore on a cloudy afternoon, Cinque Terre, Italy
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Settlements#Italy
  •  Info The colourful village of Riomaggiore on a cloudy afternoon. One of the five villages of Cinque Terre, Italy which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Created by Tagooty - uploaded by Tagooty - nominated by Tagooty -- Tagooty (talk) 15:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Tagooty (talk) 15:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 18:11, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The weather did not help in this photo, it also looks unclear, possibly due to lens distortion or lack of luminosity. Also the composition seems to try to place the sea and the houses, but neither of them seems like a main subject, the houses look cut off and the sea too. The contrast and low exposure make this colorful scene look like a Gothic city. --Wilfredor (talk) 06:34, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Unfortunately I agree with Wilfredo regarding the composition and the fact that the weather was not on your side this time, bad luck. BigDom (talk) 15:06, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 17:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Wilfredor. -- Karelj (talk) 21:03, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  I withdraw my nomination Thanks for the reviews. To me the beauty is the bright colourful buildings despite the overcast sky. --Tagooty (talk) 03:54, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Oratorio de Santa María Reina y Madre, Málaga, España, 2023-05-20, DD 08-10 HDR.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Dec 2023 at 08:16:29 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Ceiling of the Oratory of Saint Mary Queen and Mother, Málaga, Spain.
  •  Support Modern frescos in this "old" style are an acquired taste. To me they look rather tacky, but it's a happy tacky that lots of devout people evidently like, and this is a really good photo of a great example of it. --Cart (talk) 21:05, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Giles Laurent (talk) 08:38, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Infinity mirror, hand-washing sink and wardrobes in the spa of Amantaka luxury Resort & Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 22:30:49 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Infinity mirror, hand-washing sink and wardrobes in the spa of Amantaka Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos
  •  Answer The explanation is given in the {{Retouched}} template, in the file page : The camera and its tripod reflected in the mirrors have been deleted in post-process. To achieve this purpose, two pictures have been taken from different positions, targeting the same direction. Then, both images have been superimposed and the content replaced in each. -- Basile Morin (talk) 23:39, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Poco a poco (talk) 08:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Very good technical and compositional realization of the Droste effect. Thanks for the nomination. -- Radomianin (talk) 09:04, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Fascinating, I wouldn't have imagined you could get this effect without using bellows or a tilt-shift lens! Do you mind letting me know if I got your method right: 1) you took two images, both centred on the mirror, one with the camera in the middle of the room, one with the camera slightly shifted (to the left, judging by the slight offset in the reflection?); 2) you used the first image for the room and the second one for the reflection? --Julesvernex2 (talk) 11:42, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Thanks! Yes, exactly, you got everything right, except for the slight offset in the reflection, which is probably caused by imperfect alignment of the mirrors opposite each other, rather than by camera shift. The second image is used just to compensate for the small area where the camera appears through the mirror. This involves “filling” this part with the (hidden) furniture or sink. The offset of the contour of the door or the wooden table opposite is not impacted.-- Basile Morin (talk) 12:11, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Ah, I had wrongly assumed that the camera was completely off the reflection on the second image (probably not even possible, given the wide focal length), but I get it now. Nice, I need to try this out :) --Julesvernex2 (talk) 12:30, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Laos well represented with Basile. 12:16, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Llez (talk) 16:52, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Kritzolina (talk) 18:58, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Ermell (talk) 19:54, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The open doors make me uncomfortable, especially the one on the right that seems more prominent, but what makes me feel negative is the trash can under the sink cabinet, it seems to be in an inappropriate place and without an apparent function, it makes me uncomfortable. --Wilfredor (talk) 06:38, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Sorry, but I don't get your point about the trash can. This is where you find trash cans in hotel rooms usually - if I am looking for one in a hotel room, I look under the sink first. This is where most people need it - be it for tissues, for packaging of hygenic items, or other stuff. Why do you think it is an inappropriate place? Kritzolina (talk) 13:02, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose I hadn't bothered looking at this in detail, but I agree with Wilfredo. Charlesjsharp (talk) 10:40, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Wilfredor. -- Karelj (talk) 21:06, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Neither the trash can nor the open doors take away much from the image, imo.--UnpetitproleX (Talk) 10:30, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support I love the infinite mirror reflection effect. --Giles Laurent (talk) 08:37, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Fresh bilberries picked in Tuntorp 4.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 21:43:49 (UTC)
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Fresh, newly picked bilberries on a tray
  • Oh, they were! :-) After they were cleaned and ready to be served, they looked like this (sound on). Half went with ice cream and the rest into a pie. --Cart (talk) 23:55, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:St Peter church in Vitoria-Gasteiz (6).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 19:27:50 (UTC)
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Saint Peter church in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain

File:Grote sponszwam (Sparassis crispa). 09-11-2023. (d.j.b).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 07:19:41 (UTC)
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File:Saint Anastasia of Palatine basilica in Rome (3).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 20:42:54 (UTC)
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Ceiling in the Saint Anastasia of Palatine basilica in Rome, Lazio, Italy. The ceiling is colorfully decorated with elaborate framed designs (cassetone) and has a central frescoed panel depicting the Martyrdom of Anastasia (1722) by Michelangelo Cerruti.
 Support Thanks for improve the contrast --Wilfredor (talk) 20:30, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Pez lija pintado (Aluterus scriptus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-19, DD 47.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 19:10:44 (UTC)
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Scrawled filefish (Aluterus scriptus), Red Sea, Egypt

File:Кабан у лісі.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 13:26:24 (UTC)
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Carpinus betulus in Ukraine
  • The stick is probably just a mishap from its recent rummaging around on the ground. These guys are notorious for disturbing soil as they look for things to eat. They are a big problem in Sweden since they get into peoples' gardens and tear them up. One family of these pigs can demolish a big lawn in just one night etc. --Cart (talk) 00:31, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Small wild boars such as this one are not really dangerous. Old males or females with piglets could be. Yann (talk) 11:38, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Lord Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany by Morrall-Hoole Studios.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 02:14:27 (UTC)
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Lord Dunsany

File:RhB Alvra Filisur - Alvaneu.jpg, featured[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 19:31:08 (UTC)
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RhB "Alvra" set as IR St. Moritz - Chur on the Albula line with fresh snow
  • Because any I have nominated have attracted keep votes. And it is time consuming. I just think whoever wants to increase the number of FPs of a particular subject will have reviewed the existng FPs and should be the one to suggest a delist. Charlesjsharp (talk) 11:11, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Confirmed results:
Result: 22 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 21:08, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Objects/Vehicles/Land vehicles#Rail vehicles

File:Parque Nacional Marinho de Fernando de Noronha - João Paulo Marques DAndretta 1.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 13:30:59 (UTC)
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  • ArionStar: I'm surprised about this nom. If the highlight in your eyes here is the grouper, then it is too small, detail is rather low (if that's what you are looking for, a good candidate of the same genus could be this one :) ), if the highlight in your eyes is the whole thing (grouper + environment), then it's also tricky because the red sponges are not really sharp and the whole composition is not appealing. Poco a poco (talk) 15:41, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    I like the composition; it's a classic example of marine/underwater camouflage. 15:53, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]


  •  Info Added as alternative, thanks Cart. 10:14, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 10:14, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Yes, I prefer this version, with more contrast between the green algae and the background. Thank you. --Harlock81 (talk) 10:39, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Yann (talk) 23:02, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Famberhorst (talk) 07:09, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 10:42, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Quality and composition are not good enough. --Tagooty (talk) 15:44, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Llez (talk) 16:44, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Palauenc05 (talk) 17:57, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Sorry, I'm not convinced. This kind of fish usually hides in the reefs and hunts by night, so that I wouldn't call the scene here his habitat where it camouflages. It rather follows other predators to take advantage of prey escaping from them. And as said, quality and compo are not convincing to me. --Poco a poco (talk) 17:20, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:043 Elephant family at Queen Elizabeth National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 09:59:11 (UTC)
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Elephant family at Queen Elizabeth National Park SHORT DESCR
  •  Support --Ermell (talk) 21:50, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 07:13, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Not enough space around: bad crop left, above, and right. Yann (talk) 23:04, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Crop, and vegetation in the foreground. --Tagooty (talk) 15:46, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose per Tagooty --imehling (talk) 14:57, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Thank you for your reviews. I understand that one of the three elephants beeing half in the frame can be disturbing for some of you at first glance. However the focus is more on the baby elephant that is at the center of the frame and that is surounded by his family, the two others elephants protecting the baby from both sides like guardians. Also the mother can be seen uncropped behind the two others. As for the vegetation, two elephants are simply walking over it and are still very visible above it. The vegetation also provides a sense of depth to the picture. --Giles Laurent (talk) 11:09, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Wls 2023 Gocce di rugiada formatasi su vetro nella notte, per condensazione, illuminate dal sole.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 09:26:34 (UTC)
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Drops of dew formed on glass in the night, due to condensation, illuminated by the sun

A photo of the same type has already been recognized as featured, but I propose this one that I took later because it seems even more visually beautiful to me.

File:Hôtel Le Concorde Québec.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 05:51:54 (UTC)
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Its not oversatured, it was natural colors. Look for images on the internet of what autumn is like in Canada, the colors here are very very vibrant --Wilfredor (talk) 11:28, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
What about the buildings, its not PD but rotation is due. Mile (talk) 13:06, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
✓ Done @PetarM: Verticals are fixed now, thanks --Wilfredor (talk) 16:08, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
✓ Done @Poco a poco: Please take another look --Wilfredor (talk) 19:23, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
An improvement, but you went a bit too far. I move now to  Neutral. Personally I've cropped the bunch of tree on the right, but no big deal Poco a poco (talk) 10:07, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I thought about doing that too but the image would look very elongated like those phone images. Also leaving the tree in the foreground shows the distance and that there are more trees around. It is difficult to please everyone, for some it is clear and for others it is too clear. Generally I do not apply any filters to my photos, only when they request it, as was your case. Thanks --Wilfredor (talk) 11:31, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Parc publique du Bois-de-Coulonge, Quebec ville, Canada.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 05:50:48 (UTC)
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File:Жук стрибун.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Dec 2023 at 13:25:57 (UTC)
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Cicindela soluta beetle in Ukraine
  •  Oppose The dof is really narrow and it ends rather abruptly, that makes it look weird. Also I'm not a fan of this overly dark/black editing that seems to be so popular in East European countries. --Cart (talk) 20:58, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Cavolinia tridentata 01.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Dec 2023 at 10:43:28 (UTC)
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Three Tooth Cavoline; Length 1.3 cm; Worldwide pelagic

File:Luzern asv2022-10 Gotthardgebäude img03.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 20 Dec 2023 at 23:23:01 (UTC)
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former Gotthard Railway headquarters building
I thought this too but maybe it's that the wood is very well crafted? --Wilfredor (talk) 23:20, 12 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Look like stacked image, not handsfree. I dislike composition, tight crop bellow and choped desk on left. You could move camera a bit down, and a bit to the right side. Or 12, 13 mm. Colors-reflexions are not so attractive. --Mile (talk) 09:23, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Tournasol7 (talk) 20:48, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 21:03, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Looks good to me. I'd love for more of the picture frame to be even sharper, but it's a nice composition to me, a beautiful room with beautiful furniture, and I really don't see what more is needed. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 00:04, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Crop too tight at the bottom, and too generous at the top in my view. The seat legs lack space in the composition -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:02, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose as per Basile, crop too tight at the bottom, and too generous at the top. Christian Ferrer (talk) 19:38, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 20:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Basile. -- Karelj (talk) 10:07, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Wooden pig merry-go-round in Brastad 3.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 20 Dec 2023 at 13:34:07 (UTC)
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Wooden pig merry-go-round at a playground in Brastad
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Objects#Toys
  •  Info I have been photographing playgrounds for a while, and this crazy-looking pig has haunted me ever since. I hope the kids aren't too traumatized by it. This farm-themed playground was built in 2018, based on ideas and designs made by the fifth-graders of the local Stångenäs school; many of them live on farms in the area. All by me, -- Cart (talk) 13:34, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Cart (talk) 13:34, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support horror-film material. Tomer T (talk) 14:10, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support ..."there is a distinct lack of deranged wooden pigs on FPC..." and this nomination is a good way to mitigate the fact --Kritzolina (talk) 14:34, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support OK perhaps not quite as horrible as this pig made of tires, but still quite good. --A.Savin 23:32, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Something out of the ordinary, definitely an eye-catcher of a different kind. Probably you'll get a little scared at first in the twilight :) -- Radomianin (talk) 10:18, 12 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The background is very cluttered. Charlesjsharp (talk) 14:02, 12 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose per above. At least some background separation would have been nice (not that it would have changed my vote tbh) - Benh (talk) 19:29, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support The diagonal piece of wood is questionable to include, but it rhymes with the slide. But the truly weird pig is the star, and otherwise, per other supporters. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 00:07, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 10:41, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Cluttered composition --Tagooty (talk) 15:51, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Yes, the background is rather busy, but that's the way playgrounds work. I also like that it provides context for the pig. The place is tidy, still in daily use and it's clear that the pig is not a prop at some abandoned amusement park or something like that. --Cart (talk) 12:56, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Tagooty. -- Karelj (talk) 21:00, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Gibson's Albatross 0A2A8124.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 20 Dec 2023 at 10:20:46 (UTC)
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Statuksen poistoehdotukset[edit]

Featured picture candidates[edit]

File:View of Pfronten 03.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 09:08:08 (UTC)
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View from the Breitenberg to Pfronten, Bavaria, Germany

File:023 African pygmy kingfisher at Kibale forest National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 08:31:18 (UTC)
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African pygmy kingfisher at Kibale forest National Park

File:Olive Groves Fields Spello Umbria Sep23 A7C 07785.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 06:13:50 (UTC)
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Olive groves in the foothills of Umbria, Italy

File:2023 Grindavik eruption.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 28 Dec 2023 at 01:56:59 (UTC)
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Icelandic volcanic eruption
Thank you for nominating this image. Unfortunately, it does not fall within the Guidelines and is unlikely to succeed for the following reason: Not under a free license, and too small by today standards. Yann (talk) 08:11, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply] Anyone other than the nominator who disagrees may override this template by changing {{FPX}} to {{FPX contested}} and adding a vote in support. Voting will then continue in the usual way. If not contested within 24 hours, this nomination may be closed.

File:Common kingfisher in Japan, December 2023 - 4915.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 19:14:22 (UTC)
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Common kingfisher in Japan.

File:Graceful Pitta 0A2A8564.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 16:33:07 (UTC)
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Graceful Pitta


Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 13:02:29 (UTC)
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File:White-winged forest sylph (Ceratrichia nothus nothus) underside Nyamebe Bepo.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 26 Dec 2023 at 21:43:24 (UTC)
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White-winged forest sylph (Ceratrichia nothus) in Ghana

File:Male Bush Elephant Crossing Road Kafue Jul23 A7R 05179.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 08:49:23 (UTC)
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Young male African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana), Kafue National Park, Zambia
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Animals/Mammals#Family_:_Elephantidae_(Elephants)
  •  Info A young male African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana) striding across the forest road in early morning, trunk raised to smell, Kafue National Park, Zambia. Created by Tagooty - uploaded by Tagooty - nominated by Tagooty -- Tagooty (talk) 08:49, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Tagooty (talk) 08:49, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Elephants are so easy to photograph (and many FPs); the composition needs to be more interesting with the animal being on a road. Charlesjsharp (talk) 09:24, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Sharp, good composition. Yann (talk) 11:31, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Per Yann. 15:32, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Charles, I miss the extraordinary part of this image (lighting, detail, activity,...). I don't think either that the human-made road helps here. Poco a poco (talk) 17:10, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose I understand that it must be a great experience to see a wild elephant this close, but there is nothing of that little extra in the composition, light or the things that would make this stand out. And the road doesn't help here. --Cart (talk) 20:51, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Table-banquette by Annie Tribel 1968 - Design Museum Brussels Belgium.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 02:06:40 (UTC)
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Table-banquette by Annie Tribel 1968 - Design Museum Brussels Belgium

File:Lonely fisherman crossing the Doce River.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 27 Dec 2023 at 03:44:54 (UTC)
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Original version[edit]

  •  Info @Laitche: Right, I just uploaded the original version; let's see what others think about this (P.S.: I still prefer the B&W style, in my opinion). 09:22, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Pristimantis elegans Chingaza.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 26 Dec 2023 at 11:29:36 (UTC)
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Pristimantis elegans, Chingaza NP in Colombia
  • White spots pretty much as RAW, but brightened during stacking, so I've toned them back thanks. Streaks are rain. Charlesjsharp (talk) 22:15, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Thanks very much for your editing, Charles. But I only meant the small white dots on the dark background on the right and not the reflections on the foliage. I have now annotated it above. I'm sorry if I didn't express myself correctly and we misunderstood each other as a result. I took the liberty of retouching yesterday's version (revision from 22:13, Dec 18, 2023). Please feel free to use it if you like: Link to download. I apologize for the misunderstanding. Best regards, -- Radomianin (talk) 06:49, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Akelei Blüte geschlossen stacking-20230506-RM-120202.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 26 Dec 2023 at 15:21:55 (UTC)
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Closed columbine flower. Focus stack of 15 images

File:Dachstuhl des Rathauses Hof 20231125 HOF02596-HDR RAW-Export.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Dec 2023 at 18:31:49 (UTC)
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Image depicting a ladder and window as symbol; created in the attic of Hof town hall
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Interiors#Germany
  •  Info Image depicting a ladder and window as symbol; created in the attic of Hof town hall, created by PantheraLeo1359531 - uploaded by PantheraLeo1359531 - nominated by PantheraLeo1359531 -- PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 18:31, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 18:31, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The overexposure was clear in this photo, an attempt was made to reduce it by lowering the lighting until the white was transformed into gray. And no wow for the composition --Wilfredor (talk) 06:31, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Bright part of the image wasn't handled very well and the processing treatment has left strange artifacts around the window frame. Maybe a blue sky or an interesting cloud would be better than a rainy grey day? Out of interest, what was the symbolism supposed to be here? BigDom (talk) 15:02, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Perhaps not the best angle for this. When faced with a very bright opening, it's often better to go for the things that the light illuminates and let the bright window be implied. So many cool angles and lines in the scene that could be used for that. Making the light grey doesn't help either. --Cart (talk) 22:10, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

 I withdraw my nomination Thank you all for the critics :) --PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 16:20, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Riomaggiore SE Wide Cinque Terre Italy Sep23 A7C 07305.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Dec 2023 at 15:34:39 (UTC)
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Riomaggiore on a cloudy afternoon, Cinque Terre, Italy
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Settlements#Italy
  •  Info The colourful village of Riomaggiore on a cloudy afternoon. One of the five villages of Cinque Terre, Italy which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Created by Tagooty - uploaded by Tagooty - nominated by Tagooty -- Tagooty (talk) 15:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Tagooty (talk) 15:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 18:11, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The weather did not help in this photo, it also looks unclear, possibly due to lens distortion or lack of luminosity. Also the composition seems to try to place the sea and the houses, but neither of them seems like a main subject, the houses look cut off and the sea too. The contrast and low exposure make this colorful scene look like a Gothic city. --Wilfredor (talk) 06:34, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Unfortunately I agree with Wilfredo regarding the composition and the fact that the weather was not on your side this time, bad luck. BigDom (talk) 15:06, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 17:49, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Wilfredor. -- Karelj (talk) 21:03, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  I withdraw my nomination Thanks for the reviews. To me the beauty is the bright colourful buildings despite the overcast sky. --Tagooty (talk) 03:54, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Oratorio de Santa María Reina y Madre, Málaga, España, 2023-05-20, DD 08-10 HDR.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Dec 2023 at 08:16:29 (UTC)
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Ceiling of the Oratory of Saint Mary Queen and Mother, Málaga, Spain.
  •  Support Modern frescos in this "old" style are an acquired taste. To me they look rather tacky, but it's a happy tacky that lots of devout people evidently like, and this is a really good photo of a great example of it. --Cart (talk) 21:05, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Giles Laurent (talk) 08:38, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Infinity mirror, hand-washing sink and wardrobes in the spa of Amantaka luxury Resort & Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 22:30:49 (UTC)
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Infinity mirror, hand-washing sink and wardrobes in the spa of Amantaka Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos
  •  Answer The explanation is given in the {{Retouched}} template, in the file page : The camera and its tripod reflected in the mirrors have been deleted in post-process. To achieve this purpose, two pictures have been taken from different positions, targeting the same direction. Then, both images have been superimposed and the content replaced in each. -- Basile Morin (talk) 23:39, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Poco a poco (talk) 08:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Very good technical and compositional realization of the Droste effect. Thanks for the nomination. -- Radomianin (talk) 09:04, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Fascinating, I wouldn't have imagined you could get this effect without using bellows or a tilt-shift lens! Do you mind letting me know if I got your method right: 1) you took two images, both centred on the mirror, one with the camera in the middle of the room, one with the camera slightly shifted (to the left, judging by the slight offset in the reflection?); 2) you used the first image for the room and the second one for the reflection? --Julesvernex2 (talk) 11:42, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Thanks! Yes, exactly, you got everything right, except for the slight offset in the reflection, which is probably caused by imperfect alignment of the mirrors opposite each other, rather than by camera shift. The second image is used just to compensate for the small area where the camera appears through the mirror. This involves “filling” this part with the (hidden) furniture or sink. The offset of the contour of the door or the wooden table opposite is not impacted.-- Basile Morin (talk) 12:11, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Ah, I had wrongly assumed that the camera was completely off the reflection on the second image (probably not even possible, given the wide focal length), but I get it now. Nice, I need to try this out :) --Julesvernex2 (talk) 12:30, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Laos well represented with Basile. 12:16, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Llez (talk) 16:52, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Kritzolina (talk) 18:58, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Ermell (talk) 19:54, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The open doors make me uncomfortable, especially the one on the right that seems more prominent, but what makes me feel negative is the trash can under the sink cabinet, it seems to be in an inappropriate place and without an apparent function, it makes me uncomfortable. --Wilfredor (talk) 06:38, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Sorry, but I don't get your point about the trash can. This is where you find trash cans in hotel rooms usually - if I am looking for one in a hotel room, I look under the sink first. This is where most people need it - be it for tissues, for packaging of hygenic items, or other stuff. Why do you think it is an inappropriate place? Kritzolina (talk) 13:02, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose I hadn't bothered looking at this in detail, but I agree with Wilfredo. Charlesjsharp (talk) 10:40, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Wilfredor. -- Karelj (talk) 21:06, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Neither the trash can nor the open doors take away much from the image, imo.--UnpetitproleX (Talk) 10:30, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support I love the infinite mirror reflection effect. --Giles Laurent (talk) 08:37, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Fresh bilberries picked in Tuntorp 4.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 21:43:49 (UTC)
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Fresh, newly picked bilberries on a tray
  • Oh, they were! :-) After they were cleaned and ready to be served, they looked like this (sound on). Half went with ice cream and the rest into a pie. --Cart (talk) 23:55, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:St Peter church in Vitoria-Gasteiz (6).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 19:27:50 (UTC)
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Saint Peter church in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain

File:Grote sponszwam (Sparassis crispa). 09-11-2023. (d.j.b).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Dec 2023 at 07:19:41 (UTC)
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File:Saint Anastasia of Palatine basilica in Rome (3).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 20:42:54 (UTC)
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Ceiling in the Saint Anastasia of Palatine basilica in Rome, Lazio, Italy. The ceiling is colorfully decorated with elaborate framed designs (cassetone) and has a central frescoed panel depicting the Martyrdom of Anastasia (1722) by Michelangelo Cerruti.
 Support Thanks for improve the contrast --Wilfredor (talk) 20:30, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Pez lija pintado (Aluterus scriptus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-19, DD 47.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 19:10:44 (UTC)
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Scrawled filefish (Aluterus scriptus), Red Sea, Egypt

File:Кабан у лісі.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 13:26:24 (UTC)
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Carpinus betulus in Ukraine
  • The stick is probably just a mishap from its recent rummaging around on the ground. These guys are notorious for disturbing soil as they look for things to eat. They are a big problem in Sweden since they get into peoples' gardens and tear them up. One family of these pigs can demolish a big lawn in just one night etc. --Cart (talk) 00:31, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Small wild boars such as this one are not really dangerous. Old males or females with piglets could be. Yann (talk) 11:38, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Lord Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany by Morrall-Hoole Studios.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Dec 2023 at 02:14:27 (UTC)
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Lord Dunsany

File:RhB Alvra Filisur - Alvaneu.jpg, featured[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 19:31:08 (UTC)
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RhB "Alvra" set as IR St. Moritz - Chur on the Albula line with fresh snow
  • Because any I have nominated have attracted keep votes. And it is time consuming. I just think whoever wants to increase the number of FPs of a particular subject will have reviewed the existng FPs and should be the one to suggest a delist. Charlesjsharp (talk) 11:11, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Confirmed results:
Result: 22 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /-- Radomianin (talk) 21:08, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Objects/Vehicles/Land vehicles#Rail vehicles

File:Parque Nacional Marinho de Fernando de Noronha - João Paulo Marques DAndretta 1.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 13:30:59 (UTC)
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  • ArionStar: I'm surprised about this nom. If the highlight in your eyes here is the grouper, then it is too small, detail is rather low (if that's what you are looking for, a good candidate of the same genus could be this one :) ), if the highlight in your eyes is the whole thing (grouper + environment), then it's also tricky because the red sponges are not really sharp and the whole composition is not appealing. Poco a poco (talk) 15:41, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    I like the composition; it's a classic example of marine/underwater camouflage. 15:53, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]


  •  Info Added as alternative, thanks Cart. 10:14, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 10:14, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Yes, I prefer this version, with more contrast between the green algae and the background. Thank you. --Harlock81 (talk) 10:39, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Yann (talk) 23:02, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Famberhorst (talk) 07:09, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 10:42, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Quality and composition are not good enough. --Tagooty (talk) 15:44, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Llez (talk) 16:44, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Palauenc05 (talk) 17:57, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Sorry, I'm not convinced. This kind of fish usually hides in the reefs and hunts by night, so that I wouldn't call the scene here his habitat where it camouflages. It rather follows other predators to take advantage of prey escaping from them. And as said, quality and compo are not convincing to me. --Poco a poco (talk) 17:20, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:043 Elephant family at Queen Elizabeth National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 09:59:11 (UTC)
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Elephant family at Queen Elizabeth National Park SHORT DESCR
  •  Support --Ermell (talk) 21:50, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 07:13, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Not enough space around: bad crop left, above, and right. Yann (talk) 23:04, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Crop, and vegetation in the foreground. --Tagooty (talk) 15:46, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose per Tagooty --imehling (talk) 14:57, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Thank you for your reviews. I understand that one of the three elephants beeing half in the frame can be disturbing for some of you at first glance. However the focus is more on the baby elephant that is at the center of the frame and that is surounded by his family, the two others elephants protecting the baby from both sides like guardians. Also the mother can be seen uncropped behind the two others. As for the vegetation, two elephants are simply walking over it and are still very visible above it. The vegetation also provides a sense of depth to the picture. --Giles Laurent (talk) 11:09, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Wls 2023 Gocce di rugiada formatasi su vetro nella notte, per condensazione, illuminate dal sole.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 09:26:34 (UTC)
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Drops of dew formed on glass in the night, due to condensation, illuminated by the sun

A photo of the same type has already been recognized as featured, but I propose this one that I took later because it seems even more visually beautiful to me.

File:Hôtel Le Concorde Québec.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 05:51:54 (UTC)
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Its not oversatured, it was natural colors. Look for images on the internet of what autumn is like in Canada, the colors here are very very vibrant --Wilfredor (talk) 11:28, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
What about the buildings, its not PD but rotation is due. Mile (talk) 13:06, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
✓ Done @PetarM: Verticals are fixed now, thanks --Wilfredor (talk) 16:08, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
✓ Done @Poco a poco: Please take another look --Wilfredor (talk) 19:23, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
An improvement, but you went a bit too far. I move now to  Neutral. Personally I've cropped the bunch of tree on the right, but no big deal Poco a poco (talk) 10:07, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I thought about doing that too but the image would look very elongated like those phone images. Also leaving the tree in the foreground shows the distance and that there are more trees around. It is difficult to please everyone, for some it is clear and for others it is too clear. Generally I do not apply any filters to my photos, only when they request it, as was your case. Thanks --Wilfredor (talk) 11:31, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Parc publique du Bois-de-Coulonge, Quebec ville, Canada.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Dec 2023 at 05:50:48 (UTC)
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File:Жук стрибун.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Dec 2023 at 13:25:57 (UTC)
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Cicindela soluta beetle in Ukraine
  •  Oppose The dof is really narrow and it ends rather abruptly, that makes it look weird. Also I'm not a fan of this overly dark/black editing that seems to be so popular in East European countries. --Cart (talk) 20:58, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Cavolinia tridentata 01.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Dec 2023 at 10:43:28 (UTC)
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Three Tooth Cavoline; Length 1.3 cm; Worldwide pelagic

File:Luzern asv2022-10 Gotthardgebäude img03.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 20 Dec 2023 at 23:23:01 (UTC)
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former Gotthard Railway headquarters building
I thought this too but maybe it's that the wood is very well crafted? --Wilfredor (talk) 23:20, 12 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Look like stacked image, not handsfree. I dislike composition, tight crop bellow and choped desk on left. You could move camera a bit down, and a bit to the right side. Or 12, 13 mm. Colors-reflexions are not so attractive. --Mile (talk) 09:23, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Tournasol7 (talk) 20:48, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 21:03, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Looks good to me. I'd love for more of the picture frame to be even sharper, but it's a nice composition to me, a beautiful room with beautiful furniture, and I really don't see what more is needed. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 00:04, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Crop too tight at the bottom, and too generous at the top in my view. The seat legs lack space in the composition -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:02, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose as per Basile, crop too tight at the bottom, and too generous at the top. Christian Ferrer (talk) 19:38, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 20:34, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Basile. -- Karelj (talk) 10:07, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Wooden pig merry-go-round in Brastad 3.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 20 Dec 2023 at 13:34:07 (UTC)
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Wooden pig merry-go-round at a playground in Brastad
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Objects#Toys
  •  Info I have been photographing playgrounds for a while, and this crazy-looking pig has haunted me ever since. I hope the kids aren't too traumatized by it. This farm-themed playground was built in 2018, based on ideas and designs made by the fifth-graders of the local Stångenäs school; many of them live on farms in the area. All by me, -- Cart (talk) 13:34, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Cart (talk) 13:34, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support horror-film material. Tomer T (talk) 14:10, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support ..."there is a distinct lack of deranged wooden pigs on FPC..." and this nomination is a good way to mitigate the fact --Kritzolina (talk) 14:34, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support OK perhaps not quite as horrible as this pig made of tires, but still quite good. --A.Savin 23:32, 11 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Something out of the ordinary, definitely an eye-catcher of a different kind. Probably you'll get a little scared at first in the twilight :) -- Radomianin (talk) 10:18, 12 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The background is very cluttered. Charlesjsharp (talk) 14:02, 12 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose per above. At least some background separation would have been nice (not that it would have changed my vote tbh) - Benh (talk) 19:29, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support The diagonal piece of wood is questionable to include, but it rhymes with the slide. But the truly weird pig is the star, and otherwise, per other supporters. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 00:07, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 10:41, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Cluttered composition --Tagooty (talk) 15:51, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Yes, the background is rather busy, but that's the way playgrounds work. I also like that it provides context for the pig. The place is tidy, still in daily use and it's clear that the pig is not a prop at some abandoned amusement park or something like that. --Cart (talk) 12:56, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per Tagooty. -- Karelj (talk) 21:00, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Gibson's Albatross 0A2A8124.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 20 Dec 2023 at 10:20:46 (UTC)
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Aikataulu viidentenä päivänä ehdotuksen lisäämisen jälkeen[edit]

Thu 14 Dec → Tue 19 Dec
Fri 15 Dec → Wed 20 Dec
Sat 16 Dec → Thu 21 Dec
Sun 17 Dec → Fri 22 Dec
Mon 18 Dec → Sat 23 Dec
Tue 19 Dec → Sun 24 Dec

Aikataulu yhdeksäntenä päivänä ehdotuksen lisäämisen jälkeen[edit]

Sun 10 Dec → Tue 19 Dec
Mon 11 Dec → Wed 20 Dec
Tue 12 Dec → Thu 21 Dec
Wed 13 Dec → Fri 22 Dec
Thu 14 Dec → Sat 23 Dec
Fri 15 Dec → Sun 24 Dec
Sat 16 Dec → Mon 25 Dec
Sun 17 Dec → Tue 26 Dec
Mon 18 Dec → Wed 27 Dec
Tue 19 Dec → Thu 28 Dec