Category:Lepidoptera wing undersides
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Media in category "Lepidoptera wing undersides"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 431 total.
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050 Papillons au printemps.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.3 MB
132銀紋淡黃蝶14(陳曉瑩攝) (19044211995).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.07 MB
132銀紋淡黃蝶18(李淑惠攝) (12943017083).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 4.2 MB
132銀紋淡黃蝶19(李淑惠攝) (12943016583).jpg 2,932 × 2,141; 1.18 MB
140荷氏黃蝶3(李淑惠攝) (12943000173).jpg 2,604 × 2,136; 736 KB
200墾丁小灰蝶10(劉威良攝) (18856348830).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 4.94 MB
200墾丁小灰蝶9(劉威良攝) (18421549414).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 4.97 MB
2010-04-25 (13) Grünader-Weißling, Pieris napi.JPG 3,008 × 2,000; 2.36 MB
20100411- DSC5252 (4871690431).jpg 992 × 626; 570 KB
20100411- DSC5259 (4872300810).jpg 992 × 708; 668 KB
20100411- DSC5263 (4871694625).jpg 833 × 994; 716 KB
2011-04-25-lepidoptera-hunawihr-12.jpg 2,848 × 3,407; 4.64 MB
2011-04-25-lepidoptera-hunawihr-13.jpg 3,506 × 2,476; 5.06 MB
2011-04-25-lepidoptera-hunawihr-3.jpg 2,511 × 2,661; 3.89 MB
2012 Photo Contest - Plants Category (7943808432).jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 3.87 MB
2013-06-23 15-48-10-lepidoptera.JPG 3,309 × 2,513; 4.64 MB
2013-06-23 15-53-24-Heliconiinae.JPG 2,585 × 2,453; 2.53 MB
2013-06-23 16-17-22-Heliconiinae.JPG 2,956 × 2,613; 4.13 MB
2013-06-23 16-31-26-lepidoptera.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.03 MB
2014-05-01 15-30-39-Anteos-clorinde-hunawihr.jpg 2,283 × 2,950; 2.7 MB
2014-05-01 16-18-24-cethosia-hunawihr.jpg 2,740 × 2,650; 3.03 MB
2015.07.11.-05-Mulde Eilenburg--Grosses Ochsenauge-Weibchen.jpg 2,852 × 2,885; 6.02 MB
2016.08.23 17.43.58 DSC05675 - Flickr - andrey zharkikh.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 1.95 MB
2019-04-15 13-15-49 jardin-papillons-hunawihr.jpg 1,748 × 1,629; 653 KB
201平山小灰蝶1(劉威良攝) (12943049765).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.19 MB
229小白波紋小灰蝶3(李淑惠攝) (12943699385).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 3.96 MB
261淡清雀斑小灰蝶1(劉威良攝) (30945958793).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 3.64 MB
261淡青雀斑小灰蝶3(邱美蘭攝) (12943472235).jpg 1,632 × 1,224; 538 KB
270黑脈樺斑蝶13(李榮芳攝) (12943484873).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 7.86 MB
270黑脈樺斑蝶9(陳孟男攝) (30945928763).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 7 MB
272樺斑蝶9(李淑惠攝) (12943850313).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 2.94 MB
285.1小紫斑蝶23(李榮芳攝) (30915331524).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 3.67 MB
285.1小紫斑蝶5(劉威良攝) (12944015685).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.33 MB
285.1小紫斑蝶9(蔡鴻銘攝) (18856901890).jpg 1,598 × 1,199; 935 KB
296紅擬豹斑蝶5(郭月秀攝) (19039055982).jpg 3,696 × 2,448; 2.63 MB
296紅擬豹斑蝶8(李淑惠攝) (18423944243).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 4.74 MB
318.1琉球紫蛺蝶13(蔡鴻銘攝) (18858300819).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 4.31 MB
500px photo (34747288).jpeg 800 × 1,200; 199 KB
88無尾鳳蝶3(劉建湘攝) (31590955062).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 4.56 MB
91.1玉帶鳳蝶15(洪振龍攝) (12942993064).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 3.87 MB
91.1玉帶鳳蝶3(李榮芳攝) (31737831845).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 3.88 MB
91.1玉帶鳳蝶5(李榮芳攝) (31737829915).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 3.89 MB
A Common Emigrant Butterfly in action (51257348084).jpg 2,310 × 1,539; 973 KB
A Common Nawab Butterfly on the ground (51325732031).jpg 2,450 × 1,633; 1.98 MB
A small Banded Blue Peirrot resting in the wind (51333691583).jpg 2,059 × 1,373; 1 MB
Acraea violae - Tawny Coster at Blathur 2014 (2).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.56 MB
Acytolepis puspa 1.jpg 3,754 × 2,503; 560 KB
Acytolepis puspa 2.jpg 3,456 × 2,301; 519 KB
ADSC 2087 (51418721976).jpg 1,800 × 1,200; 1.3 MB
African veined white (5424918724).jpg 1,170 × 1,180; 359 KB
Aglais urticae (1).jpg 1,948 × 1,721; 1.71 MB
Aglais urticae (48711023911).jpg 2,048 × 1,364; 577 KB
All-about-me.jpg 4,879 × 3,311; 766 KB
American lady (21227374905).jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 1.76 MB
American Lady Butterfly (11143534966).jpg 3,141 × 2,102; 561 KB
American Lady Vanessa virginiensis Ventral 2710px.jpg 2,710 × 2,000; 1.31 MB
AMERICAN snout (48184527227).jpg 2,100 × 1,394; 3.56 MB
Anthocharis cardamines (33913862568).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 4.75 MB
Anthocharis cardamines (40827674423).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 4.28 MB
Anthocharis cardamines (46877520895).jpg 5,400 × 3,600; 3.96 MB
Apharitis acamas acamas 1.jpg 1,331 × 1,774; 1.28 MB
Aporia crataegi (2).jpg 800 × 543; 343 KB
Aporia crataegi (6).jpg 800 × 574; 246 KB
Aporîa crataegî.jpg 1,600 × 1,054; 643 KB
Araschnia levana (28301782737).jpg 3,198 × 3,198; 2.42 MB
Araschnia levana by Thomas Bresson.jpg 2,651 × 2,076; 3.37 MB
Araschnia levana-3.jpg 1,553 × 1,377; 1.62 MB
Argynnis paphia - Flickr - Stiller Beobachter.jpg 3,995 × 4,000; 3.31 MB
Argynnis paphia - Kaisermantel Virgental 2.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.61 MB
Argynnis paphia CF9A7097.jpg 3,339 × 2,504; 2.32 MB
Aricia agestis - Çokgözlü esmer, Adana 2016-07-30 0-1.jpg 2,250 × 1,576; 1.88 MB
Artogeia napi CH 2.jpg 2,700 × 2,020; 857 KB
Arzakan-Meghradzor Sanctuary 14.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 4.84 MB
Arzakan-Meghradzor Sanctuary 16.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 5.57 MB
AshuGarg - Butterfly 6 (by).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 3.87 MB
At Tenerife 2021 0412.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.75 MB
Atalanta (15242388057).jpg 3,885 × 2,590; 5.22 MB
Atlas roslin pl Popłoch pospolity 8558 7474.jpg 1,024 × 758; 459 KB
Atlas roslin pl Popłoch pospolity 8566 7474.jpg 583 × 800; 322 KB
Atlas roslin pl Przetacznik ząbkowany 1014 9023.jpg 1,800 × 1,200; 161 KB
Atlas roslin pl Sadziec konopiasty 9589 6970.jpg 1,024 × 683; 605 KB
Aurorafalter MG 3102.jpg 2,106 × 1,638; 440 KB
AYNA 2.jpg 5,906 × 3,923; 7.76 MB
Azanus jesous 294A4708 Stgo CV.jpg 2,818 × 2,284; 608 KB
Azanus jesous 294A5703.jpg 2,468 × 2,240; 570 KB
Azanus moriqua 294A5216.jpg 2,516 × 2,057; 398 KB
Azanus moriqua 294A7637.jpg 2,542 × 2,189; 368 KB
Bahamian swallowtail (Papilio andraemon) underside.jpg 4,866 × 3,244; 9.68 MB
Banded Hairstreak, Limerick Forest.JPG 1,500 × 1,000; 251 KB
Bangalore Butterfly Park IMG 0088.JPG 3,906 × 2,442; 2.32 MB
Bangalore Butterfly Park IMG 0151.JPG 4,486 × 2,806; 3.35 MB
Baum - Weißling.jpg 5,504 × 8,256; 3.48 MB
Baumweißling an sibirscher Schwertlilie.jpg 5,248 × 7,872; 3.64 MB
Baumweißling Duo.jpg 8,282 × 5,504; 4.78 MB
BC Women's Welless Weekend (5091695284).jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 2.45 MB
Beilstein - Billensbach - Hauhechel-Bläuling.jpg 3,398 × 3,398; 6.73 MB
Beilstein - Ölmühltal - kleiner Schmetterling auf Distelblüte.jpg 3,927 × 2,907; 6.91 MB
Belenois resting on Jatropha leaf (6730537211).jpg 2,100 × 1,505; 706 KB
Bielinek IMG 2412.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.19 MB
Black and orange Thai butterfly.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 652 KB
Blue tiger butterfly.jpg 2,048 × 1,366; 391 KB
Bmelek.jpg 2,250 × 1,509; 1.67 MB
Boloria dia, Giresun 2017-07-06 05-3.jpg 2,750 × 1,856; 2.92 MB
Borbo borbonica 294A4124 Stgo CV.jpg 2,606 × 2,153; 642 KB
Borboleta 89.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.94 MB
Borboleta colorida DSC 0093.jpg 1,259 × 1,154; 342 KB
Botanika-Schmetterling.jpg 4,640 × 3,840; 4.28 MB
Breakfast On A Nasturtium (192636217).jpg 1,024 × 768; 202 KB
Brenthis Daphne.jpg 1,536 × 2,304; 1,009 KB
Brimstone (37001571515).jpg 3,481 × 2,863; 1.87 MB
Brimstone female (51867043732).jpg 3,340 × 2,366; 1.25 MB
Brimstone female (51868661460).jpg 3,766 × 2,592; 1.78 MB
Brown butterfly L1020547.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 5.43 MB
Brown Pansy, Junonia hedonia zelima (48716710313).jpg 3,230 × 2,701; 1.42 MB
Brown siproeta (37767985552).jpg 2,001 × 3,001; 850 KB
Bupalus.piniaria.7489.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 1.4 MB
Bush Brown (3057600701).jpg 727 × 615; 55 KB
Bush Hopper (Ampittia dioscorides) (6231163200).jpg 1,303 × 1,018; 356 KB
Butterflay... (3912879394).jpg 900 × 632; 180 KB
Butterflies in village Chotian.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 4.22 MB
Butterfly & Rose of Sharon.jpg 1,589 × 1,020; 587 KB
Butterfly (2310098182).jpg 1,024 × 695; 58 KB
Butterfly (5539831267).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 2.49 MB
Butterfly (7057966549).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 4.5 MB
Butterfly (7057971903).jpg 3,027 × 1,733; 2.04 MB
Butterfly angel.jpg 2,754 × 1,646; 850 KB
Butterfly Botanical Garden 1.jpg 2,424 × 3,352; 3.1 MB
Butterfly Botanical Garden 2.jpg 3,888 × 2,685; 3.76 MB
Butterfly in a flower tree.jpg 3,988 × 2,227; 1.48 MB
Butterfly in Sri Lanka.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 1.62 MB
Butterfly in the garden brasil.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.63 MB
Butterfly NT 10.jpg 3,456 × 2,304; 2.26 MB
Butterfly on flower in Gurugram.jpg 4,512 × 3,000; 5.18 MB
Butterfly on hidden forest.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 4.93 MB
Butterfly on Tithonia (5487607062).jpg 1,024 × 768; 351 KB
Butterfly sucking juice.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 5.8 MB
Butterfly with marigold flower in Assam.jpg 3,152 × 2,114; 3.55 MB
Butterfly yellow and orange dead by sankar - 1.jpg 4,208 × 3,120; 2.57 MB
Butterfly ^2 - Flickr - Stiller Beobachter.jpg 3,987 × 3,992; 3.15 MB
Butterfly-green-ecuador-snd.JPG 1,470 × 1,932; 373 KB
Butterfly-red-orange-ecuador-snd.JPG 2,747 × 2,196; 564 KB
Butterfly23082009.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 1.59 MB
Byblia ilithyia 294A4658 Stgo CV.jpg 2,850 × 2,009; 840 KB
Cabbage White - Pieris brassicae.jpg 2,250 × 1,656; 1.92 MB
Callophrys gryneus (33937031493).jpg 1,767 × 1,983; 2.46 MB
Callophrys gryneus (4882296632).jpg 1,309 × 1,388; 1.68 MB
Callophrys rubi, Green Hairstreak, Groentje 03.jpg 4,527 × 3,018; 8.21 MB
Cassius blue (Leptotes cassius theonus) underside.JPG 1,987 × 1,568; 664 KB
Castalius rosimon Fabricius, 1775 – Common Pierrot - Mayyil 2016 (4).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.53 MB
Castalius rosimon Fabricius, 1775 – Common Pierrot - Mayyil 2016 (5).jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.39 MB
Castalius rosimon Fabricius, 1775 – Common Pierrot at Mayyil 2015 (1).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.61 MB
Castalius rosimon Fabricius, 1775 – Common Pierrot at Mayyil 2015 (2).jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.1 MB
Catopsilia pomona (49828539701).jpg 1,416 × 944; 810 KB
Catopsilia pomona ventral view 20141214.jpg 4,676 × 3,118; 2.69 MB
Celastrina argiolus Boomblauwtje 4-5 (21099685501).jpg 2,673 × 1,782; 1.82 MB
Chemanchery0906201907.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.63 MB
Chemanchery0906201910.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.7 MB
Chemanchry00101.jpg 4,240 × 2,832; 2.7 MB
Chemanchry09270.jpg 4,240 × 2,832; 3.41 MB
Chemanchry09294.jpg 4,240 × 2,832; 2.34 MB
Chilades eleusis 294A3252.jpg 2,356 × 1,791; 605 KB
Close wing position of Danaus chrysippus Linnaeus, 1758 – Plain Tiger WLB IMG 0212 04.jpg 3,456 × 2,592; 1,017 KB
Close wing position of Papilio protenor Cramer, 1775 – Spangle.jpg 4,778 × 3,185; 4.9 MB
Clouded Yellow (3496436613).jpg 800 × 771; 223 KB
Coenonympha pamphilus 6.jpg 3,535 × 2,357; 4.44 MB
Coliadiné (Coliadinae) sur une fleur (Pentas).jpg 4,288 × 3,216; 701 KB
Colias croceus, Srbija (41).jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 8.73 MB
Colias sp (4818860050).jpg 1,979 × 1,778; 941 KB
Comma (42380681775).jpg 4,015 × 4,015; 3.9 MB
Common Cerulean Butterfly (48953628046).jpg 3,543 × 2,362; 2.65 MB
Common Dusky Blue.JPG 1,788 × 1,520; 837 KB
Common Emigrant (Catopsilia pomona) മഞ്ഞത്തകരമുത്തി. (26410802618).jpg 5,400 × 3,600; 7.09 MB
Common Emigrant @ Nilambur.jpg 2,143 × 3,176; 7.2 MB
Common Fivering Ypthima baldus (14882940738).jpg 3,600 × 2,700; 1 MB
Common Grass Yellow mating.jpg 2,175 × 1,755; 2.44 MB
Common Guava Blue (3353602108).jpg 2,053 × 1,937; 601 KB
Common Jezebel Delias eucharis by kadavoor 2.JPG 2,560 × 1,920; 1.72 MB
Common Lime Butterfly in action (51146148606).jpg 2,471 × 1,650; 1.01 MB
Common Pierrot Butterfly.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 11.44 MB
Common Pierrot. Castalius R. Rosimon - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg 1,200 × 864; 696 KB
ComputerHotline - Lepidoptera sp. (by) (24).jpg 2,848 × 3,094; 5.96 MB
ComputerHotline - Lepidoptera sp. (by) (28).jpg 2,216 × 2,576; 3.47 MB
ComputerHotline - Lepidoptera sp. (by).jpg 2,531 × 2,576; 3.17 MB
ComputerHotline - Morpho sp. (by) (2).jpg 2,616 × 2,618; 4.32 MB
Danaus chrysippus 02810.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 3.32 MB
Danaus chrysippus 294A4715 Stgo CV.jpg 3,151 × 2,354; 868 KB
Deep in the Flower (9374397271).jpg 2,601 × 1,734; 1.52 MB
Delias eucharis Butterfly.jpg 960 × 1,280; 674 KB
Delias eucharis, Kerala, India.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.32 MB
Delias sp. (7227928152).jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 3.31 MB