Commons:Featured pictures/Astronomy
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Other galleries containing featured pictures related to astronomy:
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Waxing half moon over Brofjorden
Bontecou Lake Milky Way panorama
Man in front of the Milky Way
Super moon over City of London from Tate Modern 2018-01-31 6
Pedra Azul Milky Way
Linnutee - Milky Way
Star trails with sunset at La Hague lighthouse
Bunker under the Milky Way
Iridiumi satelliidi sähvatus
Top of Atmosphere
Mercury, Venus and the Moon Align
Martian sunset
Startrails created from 14 photos (2 minutes of exposure)
Heavens Above Her
Savault Chapel Under Milky Way BLS
One Perseid, Milky Way and Andromega galaxy
Milky way seen from bolivian high altiplano 03
International Space Station star trails
Llyn Ogwen Milky Way
Monumento Natural O Frade e A Freira - Luciano Daniel (03) (cropped)
360-degree Panorama of the Southern Sky
~ 280° panorama of the starry sky in Brandenburg
Solar eclipse 1999 in France
Solar eclipse in France 1999, protuberances
Solar annular eclipse of January 15, 2010 in Jinan,Republic of China
Lunar eclipse 04-15-2014 by R Jay GaBany
Total Solar Eclipse 8-21-17
Planets (including dwarf planets)[edit]
Mercury image from first Messenger flyby
2006 Transit of Mercury
2012 Transit of Venus from SF
Venus globe
North America from low orbiting satellite Suomi NPP
Earthrise over Compton crater -LRO full res
First photograph taken by man of Earthrise
The Earth seen from Apollo 17
Mosaic of the Arctic
Africa and Europe from a Million Miles Away
Blue Marble Western Hemisphere
Blue Marble Eastern Hemisphere
Turbulent Tropical Skies
PIA22349 – Gullies of Matara Crater
Mars in true colour by OSIRIS
Victoria crater from HiRise
Terraformed Mars
Olympus Mons
Image taken by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter showing descent of Phoenix with a crater in the background
Martian Dust Devil Trails
Hellas Chaos on Mars
Water ice layers in Olympia Rupes, Mars
Gullies in Galle crater, Mars
Gullies in Kaiser crater, Mars
Strong wind erosion in Medusae Fossae, Mars
Victoria Crater, Cape Verde, Mars
Valles Marineris on Mars
NASA'S Mars Exploration Rover Spirit captured this westward view from atop a low plateau
Jupiter Blues
Jovian Tempest
Jupiter as seen by the space probe Cassini
790106-0203 Voyager 58M to 31M reduced
Jupiter showcases auroras, hazes
PIA17218 – A Farewell to Saturn, Brightened Version
Saturn with auroras
Saturn during Equinox
Saturn's Rings in Ultraviolet Light
Jewel of the Solar System
Saturn eclipse
Saturn image composed from photos made by the Cassini space probe
Saturn's rings in visible light and radio
The Day the Earth Smiled
Neptune Full
Neptune Wide Field (NIRCam)
Pluto-01 Stern 03 Pluto Color TXT
Other planets[edit]
Artist's impression of the Fomalhaut (alledged) planet
Artist's impression of an ultra-short-period planet
Natural satellites[edit]
PIA19048 realistic color Europa mosaic
Io highest resolution true color
Phobos colour 2008
Lune-Nikon-600-F4 Luc Viatour
The total phase of the June 15 lunar eclipse lasted an impressive 100 minutes
Full moon partially obscured by atmosphere
Moon view from earth In Belgium
Full Moon view from Earth
LRO Tycho Central Peak
Mimas Cassini
Saturn's moon Iapetus
Ganymede - Perijove 34 Composite
Photo of the comet Hale-Bopp
Comet 67P on 19 September 2014 NavCam mosaic
C2014 Q2
C2022 E3 (ZTF)- Alessandro Bianconi
Kométa C-2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
Cosmic ‘Winter’ Wonderland
The Sun by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - 20100801
August 2010 CME SDO Multi-Wavelength
SDO's Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit -- Path Sequence
Magnificent CME Erupts on the Sun - August 31
The violent youth of solar proxies
The star formation region NGC 3324
Pismis 24
R136 HST 2009-12-15
NASA Unveils Celestial Fireworks as Official Hubble 25th Anniversary Image
Messier 78 Nebula
Elephant Trunk
NGC 3372a-full
VST image of the spectacular star-forming region Messier 17 (Omega Nebula)
The star formation region Messier 17
Rosette Nebula
Helix Nebula
Helix Nebula
Crab Nebula
Heart and Soul nebulae
ESO - The Carina Nebula (by)
Eta Carinae Nebula
Carina Nebula
The spectacular star-forming Carina Nebula
Nebulosa de Eta Carinae o NGC 3372
Lagoon Nebula (ESO)
Lagoon Nebula
Lagoon Nebula
Lagoon Nebula
Orion Nebula
The hidden fires of the Flame Nebula
W5 (Westerhout 5), an emission nebula located in Cassiopeia
North America Nebula
Different Slant on Orion (495636660)
Spitzer's Orion
NGC 6302 Hubble 2009.full
Fairy of Eagle Nebula
30 Doradus, Tarantula Nebula
A New View of the Tarantula Nebula
Filigree and Shadow
Rho Ophiuchi
Rho Ophiucus Widefield
VISTA's infrared view of the Orion Nebula
Simeis 147
EmissionNebula NGC6357
IC 2944, nicknamed the Running Chicken Nebula
NGC 2467 and Surroundings
NGC 6960 or the Veil Nebula in the constellation Cygnus
Barnard 33
Pillars of creation 2014 HST WFC3-UVIS full-res
Heart Nebula
Ic443 nf c shorgb 2218m+823m+666m+729m 2218m 37h
Sh2-216 c lsho 1218m+812m+903m 2933m 49h
NGC 2014, NGC 2020 - HST - Heic2007a
Ou4 sh2-129 wf c lshorgb 2193m+3489m+2060m+120m 7876m 131h
The Great Orion Nebula in Narrowband
NASA’s Webb Reveals Cosmic Cliffs, Glittering Landscape of Star Birth
Tarantula Nebula by JWST
Pillars of Creation (NIRCam Image)
Hubble NGC6530
The galaxy Messier 101 (M101, also known as NGC 5457)
M81, also known as Bode’s Galaxy
UGC 1810 and UGC 1813 in Arp 273 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope)
Hubble Peers into the Storm (29563971405)
Colliding galaxies
Sombrero Galaxy
Sombrero Galaxy in infrared light
Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300
ESO - Milky Way
Messier 81 HST
Spiral galaxy NGC 1672
Field of galaxies
Andromeda Galaxy (with h-alpha)
Stephan's Quintet Hubble 2009.full
Galaxy Messier 82
Near colliding NGC 2207 and IC 2163 as seen by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
Large Magellanic Cloud
Messier 51 Galaxy
Antennae, Hubble images
Guisard - Milky Way
Stars Gather in 'Downtown' Milky Way
False-color photograph of Milky Way core regions
Center of the Milky Way Galaxy IV – Composite
Firestorm of Star Birth in Galaxy Centaurus A
NGC 2683 Spiral galaxy
The southern spiral galaxy NGC 300
The irregular galaxy NGC 55, who is slowly spinning around and towards NGC 300, in the early stages of a lengthy merging process
This artist’s impression depicts the newly discovered stellar-mass black hole in the spiral galaxy NGC 300
This artist’s impression depicts the newly discovered stellar-mass black hole in the spiral galaxy NGC 300
This wide field image shows the area around the spiral galaxy NGC 300, six million light-years from Earth
This chart shows the location of the NGC 300 galaxy within the constellation of Sculptor
This image composite shows the spiral galaxy NGC 300, as well as the position of the stellar-mass black hole in the galaxy
This artist’s impression depicts the newly discovered stellar-mass black hole in the spiral galaxy NGC 300
Black Hole Outflows From Centaurus A
M82 HST ACS 2006-14
Starburst in NGC 4449
Artist’s impression of a gamma-ray burst shining through two young galaxies in the early Universe
Needle Galaxy NGC 4565
Webb’s First Deep Field, an image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723
Messier83 - Heic1403a
Cartwheel Galaxy (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Image) (weic2211a).jpeg
Milky way1
Black hole - Messier 87
BBH gravitational lensing of gw150914.webm
This sequence gives a close-up view of the southern spiral galaxy NGC 300
This zoom sequence starts with a view of part of the faint southern constellation of Sculptor and finish with a close-up of NGC 300 galaxy
This video zooms in NGC 300 onto the position of the system containing the stellar-mass black hole, and finishes with an artist’s impression of the system
Algol AB movie imaged with the CHARA interferometer
Vela supernova remnant imaged by the VLT Survey Telescope
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